TEHRAN DC: Axis of Dialogue

TEHRAN DC: Axis of Dialogue

CHANGE - Addiction treatment at Caron Renaissance is driven by methods far from the norm. 

CHANGE - Addiction treatment at Caron Renaissance is driven by methods far from the norm. 

FIGHT LIKE A MAN - A promo for a work in progress about the making of Afghan Girl Boxers

FIGHT LIKE A MAN - A promo for a work in progress about the making of Afghan Girl Boxers

I SPEAK ARABIC - A series of portraits about people learning to speak Arabic.

I SPEAK ARABIC - A series of portraits about people learning to speak Arabic.



Conservation International filmed in Chiapas, Mexico

BLIND PASSION - Blind soccer players around the world vie to compete in global tournaments.

BLIND PASSION - Blind soccer players around the world vie to compete in global tournaments.

SHALE COUNTRY - In a series of photo essays, rural Americans say how shale gas has impacted their lives in ways they could never have imagined only a few years back. 

SHALE COUNTRY - In a series of photo essays, rural Americans say how shale gas has impacted their lives in ways they could never have imagined only a few years back. 


PATRICIA - Planning for the future, produced as part of a short series about long-term care for AARP.  

PATRICIA - Planning for the future, produced as part of a short series about long-term care for AARP.